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Dress Code Policy

Dress Code

Students will be expected to keep themselves neatly-dressed and well-groomed throughout the school day, and throughout any school-related activities.  Items not permitted include: 

Items not permitted include:

  • Hats and bandannas are not to be worn in the school, except with pre-approval.
  • Clothing with vulgar language and/or pictures, obscene or questionable printing, or advertising of alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substance.
  • Miniskirts & shorts (no shorter than 5" above the knee).  When standing straight, a student's fingertips cannot reach further than the bottom of the clothing article.
  • Pajamas and gym wear, except with pre-approval.
  • Tank, halter, midriff, or low-cut tops.
  • Gang related clothing or clothing attachments which could be considered weapons.
  • Excessively baggy, low-crotch pants and/or clothing with excessive holes. *Any holes in pants cannot be 5" above the knee, (no skin can be visible above the knee). *No skin visible means there is cloth (leggings, etc.) under the jeans/holes. When standing straight, a student’s fingertips cannot reach further than the bottom of the holes.
  • Excessive facial piercing that distract or disrupt.
  • Any form of attire or any hair colors/styles, or anything else that would distract, be considered distruptive, or detrimental to the purpose and conduct of the school, will not be permitted.  *This will be decided on a case by case basis.

Compliance with these dress and grooming standards are the responsibility of the students and parents.

Enforcement of these standards are the responsibility of the school principal and faculty/staff.  School administrators reserve the right to modify the dress code at their discretion.


  1. On the first offense, students will be asked to change into appropriate clothing.
  2. On the second offense, the student will be placed in detention, and parents will be notified.
  3. On the third offense, students will be required to serve detention. (lunch or clean up)
  4. All infractions will be recorded on the school’s referral notice system.
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  • Hits: 1221