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Attendance Policy

Wayne Middle School Attendance Requirements/Policy

State Compulsory Attendance Law (Utah Code Sec. 53A-11-101) directs parents to require their school age minor children to be enrolled in and attend school.  Few factors have greater influence on student success than regular attendance.  Research has proven that students who miss much more than ten (10) days per year begin to show signs of academic problems. We cannot teach students who are not in attendance

Absence – An absence is defined as any time a student is not in attendance in the class to which he or she has been assigned. Any type of absenteeism (other than a school excused absence) beyond five (5) in any given quarter, in any given class, will be considered excessive and will result in a call from the school. In accordance with state law, any student with ten (10) or more absences will receive a letter from the school, which will also be placed in the student’s file.  When a student has missed twenty (20) days, a second letter will be sent from the office requesting a conference with student, parent, teacher(s), and principal, and letter will be placed in student’s file.
Consideration will be given for serious illness, injury, family vacations, and/or other unexpected extended absences. (see below)

School Excused Absence – A student is not considered absent from class if the student is involved in an approved school activity.  This would include school field trips, athletic events, club activities, region and state contests, and other activities approved by the school administration.  Students will not be considered excused until the office announces release of those students involved.

Students can also be excused from school for Family Activities & Doctor Appointments. To be excused for a Family Activity, a written note or email needs to be given to the school office at least 24 hours before the absence. To be excused for a Doctor Appointment, a note from the doctor’s office needs to be given to the school office after the appointment.

*It is the student and parent’s responsibility to talk to teachers prior to missing days of school.  Teachers are willing to work with students, if they know what is happening.

Tardy – Reporting to class after the bell has sounded is considered a tardy.  A student more than twenty (20) minutes late will be considered absent.  

Truant – A student is truant if they are absent from class without parent verification.  Parent verification excuses the student from being truant, but does not excuse them from an absence.  Teachers have the discretion to refuse work for those students deemed truant. 

Leaving Campus – Before the student leaves school during the day, the student will check out through the main office by supplying the office with verified parental permission.  Upon his/her return to the school the student will check in at the office.  If a student is late to school they need to sign in at the office. 

School Responsibility – When a student accumulates five (5) days of absences, the school will notify the parent/guardian. Parents and students may inquire about a student’s attendance any time by contacting the classroom teacher or school office. On the tenth (10) absence, a letter will be sent home, and one will be placed in the student’s file. On the twentieth (20) absence, a letter will be sent home, a conference with parent, student, teacher(s), and principal will be scheduled, and a letter will be placed in the student’s file.

Special Consideration – Students who have extenuating circumstances must report circumstances to the office in a timely manner.

*If a student misses ten (10) consecutive days with no notice, they will be dropped from our roles.

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