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School Land Trust Plan 2017-2018


Loa Elementary will provide interventions to students scoring below grade level in Language Arts and Math. This goal will help reduce the number of at-risk students in each classroom. Data will be continually evaluated, throughout the school year, to determine if goals are being met. This will help reduce the number of students scoring below benchmark in Spring of 2018.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics


Both summative and formative measures will be used in reading and math to determine student's progress. These measures may occur daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Summative/formative data will be based on classroom assessments, quarterly benchmark assessments, and end-of-year assessments. In Reading, DIBELS Next benchmark assessments, will be administered at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. The results of this assessment identifies those students who are reading below, at, or above benchmark.  These scores will also be used to determine Uniform Growth Scores (UGG), which will be reported on the K-3 reading plan. DIBELS Next progress monitoring will be used each month as a formative measure to determine if students' are making progress towards their goals. Student Assessment for Growth and Excellence (SAGE), for ELA, is administered at the end of the school year.  This test will be used as a summative measurement to determine student's baseline and growth throughout the year.  Formative assessments, specific to Journeys (our reading basal), will also be a measurement to determine student progress. In Mathematics, SAGE interim, enVision placement tests, and a variety of formative assessments will be administered to determine student's mastery and growth.  As math standards are taught, standard based assessments will be used accordingly.  Specific math fact timings and math apps will be used daily to help with progress monitoring.  SAGE will also be used as a summative measurement in Math to determine student's baseline and growth throughout the school year.

Action Plan Steps 

Teachers will use a variety of classroom instructional process approaches in both reading and math. Reading/math lesson objectives will align with the Utah Core Standards. Testing data will be evaluated during regularly scheduled PLCs to determine students who are at-risk, or below grade level in each subject. One paraprofessional will be hired with School Land Trust funds, along with the help of other paraprofessionals that will be hired with District funds, to help aide teachers with Tier 1, 2, and 3 model of instruction. The paraprofessionals will help with small group instruction, which will primarily consist of Tier 2 instruction. Group instruction will consist of the skills that were identified as deficits for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. Through proper implementation of reading and math centers, teachers will be able to differentiate classroom instruction and increase student achievement. Teachers will consistently re-evaluate and adjust small group instruction based on daily interventions and data review.

Goal #2


Loa Elementary will implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), to analyze and improve teacher classroom practice and achieve higher levels of student achievement. This goal will continue throughout the 2017/18 school year. A thorough review of teacher collaboration, teacher practices, student test scores and achievement will be analyzed at the end of the 2017/18 school year to determine whether the goal was met.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics


Qualitative and Quantitative data will be used to help teachers determine a baseline for each student. Teachers will continually review student data to confirm what students are learning and the extent to which they are making progress. This will help teachers align learning with needs and goals determined by data. Teacher teams will develop common formative assessments throughout the school year. This will help each teacher to identify how his/her students performed on each skill compared with other students. Through active collaboration, teachers can call on their team colleagues to help them reflect on areas of concern.

Action Plan Steps 

Professional Learning Communities will consist of teachers, specialists, Special Education teachers, and the administrator when needed. One paraprofessional will be hired with School Land Trust funds, along with the help of other paraprofessionals that will be hired with District funds, to help implement PLCs. Their role will be to substitute for the teachers to allow them to attend monthly PLCs. The paraprofessionals will also schedule times to substitute for teachers so they can observe their colleagues instructional practices, which will ultimately help improve their own classroom instruction; therefore, improving student achievement. Through active participation in PLCs teachers will collaboratively review data to determine specific areas of need. With the help of the paraprofessionals, and professional development, teachers will be able to provide explicit, sequential instruction to all students. When

Goal #3


Loa Elementary will purchase current technology hardware and software to assist with teacher instruction, interventions, and student learning. Wayne School District has implemented a one-to-one technology initiative. This allows each student to have access to an iPad throughout the instructional day. We will continue implementing technology in the classroom and a part-time paraprofessional will be hired to provide supplemental technology instruction to small groups of students throughout the 2017/18 school year. The paraprofessional will help students access their iPads and use them as a tool in the classroom.

Academic Areas 

  • Technology


Interactive computer software programs will be used as supplemental instruction in the classroom.  Our one-to-one technology initiative makes it possible for each student to have access to these programs throughout the school day.  Proper implementation of technology can enhance differentiation in the classroom.  It helps to expand the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom, making instruction more interactive, and engaging for students.  Specific apps and programs provide teachers and students immediate feedback on their performance.  Teachers use this information for progress monitoring and mastery of each subject.  Teachers have access to individualized student reports.  These reports are used to help student's achieve their goals and keep track of the progress they have made throughout the year.  The programs are computer adaptive; therefore, consistent with other measurements that are used in the classroom.

Action Plan Steps 

Student iPads and other computer devices will be purchased with School Land Trust funds to assist with teacher instruction and enhance student engagement and learning in math, reading, and writing.  Students have access to these computer devices throughout the instructional day.  Educational software and apps will also be purchased to install on the devices for student use.  Interactive software enables students to become more effective and independent learners.  The paraprofessional will help teachers and students use these programs and devices to access all types of information relating to their content. Teachers and students can access the apps and programs on smart boards, iPads, in the computer lab, as well as in their home. These software programs are properly aligned with the Utah Core Standards. It helps students become familiar with computer adaptive testing, as well as reinforces and reviews content that is being taught in the classroom.

Goal #4


Loa Elementary will provide music and fine arts experiences to all students for the 2017-18 school year. Education and engagement in the fine arts are an essential part of the school curriculum and an important component of the educational program at Loa Elementary. This goal will help increase student awareness and appreciation of the fine arts. A school-wide plan will be implemented to ensure that all students are being exposed and taught fine arts and music throughout the school year.

Academic Areas 

  • Fine Arts


Teachers will determine if goals are being met by documenting student's participation in assemblies, activities, music programs, and art exhibits.  Short standards and video clips will be posted on Loa Elementary's website to inform parents how teachers and students are implementing fine arts in the classroom.  Structured activities will be planned throughout the year to highlight fine arts, with the help of professionals in our community and other organizations.  Art displays, musical performances, and other fine art performances will help determine student's progress.

Action Plan Steps 

We will use School Land Trust Money to pay a portion of the BTSLAP grant to hire professionals to come to our school to work with students in art and music.  We would like to hire local artists and musicians to come to the school and help teachers teach lessons and units.  Teachers will generate curriculum maps showing how they are going to implement fine arts into their classroom instruction.  Parents and community members will be invited to attend and help with group activities, as well as classroom activities.  Students will display their art work at our annual Art Night.  Classroom plays and musical performances  will vary  based on individual teacher and school-wide needs.  Art and music supplies will be purchased to help with these exhibits and performances.  School Land Trust money will also be used to help with assemblies and other fine art activities.

Increased Distribution 

The 2017-2018 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?

Any additional funds will be used for music supplies and technology equipment.

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