LES Community Council 11-4-2020
Community Council November 4, 2020
Attending: Pres. Missy Daley, Beth Peisner, Stacie Ekker (teacher), Austin Moore (teacher), Denise Cropper, Andrea Peterson, Principal Cherie Blackburn (via Zoom), Tyler Newton (via Zoom)
Welcome: Missy Daley and Principal Blackburn
Stacie Ekker motioned to approve the minutes from the October 8th meeting. Beth Peisner 2nd it.
Missy had questions about the money being the same as what is on the plan. Andrea looked it up and the total amount of carryover is $40,690, giving us a total of $141,819.
Missy asked where we were on advertising for a part-time teacher. Cherie said that they hired a new paraprofessional and stated we could possibly use CARES money for her salary and could possibly use her in 2nd grade until we can find a part-time teacher. The new para would need to be trained which could also take some time.
It was mention that if we couldn’t find a teacher to help with 2nd grade this year, would could possibly use money next year to find a part-time teacher to help with the 3rd grade class next year.
Beth asked if we had started advertising. Cherie told her she will check with Coral. Denise stated that it wasn’t in last week’s Insider.
Missy & Beth both stated that they really appreciated and like the Covid dashboard on the website. They felt it was very helpful to keep the public informed. Cherie talked about teachers getting Covid and that many parents want to know who. She stated that we still need to remain confidential and reassure parent s that our job is to ensure that everyone is safe.
Missy asked about what the needs assessment needed to look like. Cherie told her to include academics first. Austin suggested using another category for SEL. Missy and Beth asked about a follow up hand-out to come home with their students after Mrs. Webb has been in the classroom so that parents can continue the discussion.
Denise asked about what supplies are covered with trustlands money. She had some concerns from teachers about the limits on their copies. She was wondering if trustlands money could help cover some of that cost. Andrea stated that the limit isn’t about paper, but about the printing. Cherie assured Denise and the council that we could use money for paper if necessary.
Missy asked where we stand with the BTS grant, and Beth suggested bringing specialists for workshops.
Missy also would like to know what the council can do to help support with Science supplies. She is thinking of surveying the teachers to see what would be most helpful to them.
Missy asks if we can meet quarterly. Cherie states that we usually skip December, but that January, February, and March are critical months to start gathering ideas for next year’s plan. It was decided that the next meeting will be January 13, 2021 at 2:30 pm.
Missy motioned to close the meeting. Beth 2nd it.
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