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Oh What Joy

19C7E8F2 1A23 4741 8F09 5551EA828A2DThis month has been one full of exciting changes. We have welcomed in our preschoolers and are happy to have them. Ms. Hanna has been doing some fun things with them.  They have been reading, practing coloring, and learning the alphabet. They are having tons of fun learning. The older students have been learning about America & Columbus sailing the ocean blue also about the Indians he discovered that where living here. We have also celebrated a few birthdays in September, Miguel and Mrs. Weihing enjoyed celebrating their day with their friends and classmates. With the month of October starting we are all excited for Halloween, candy, costumes, and many other fun activities. Be careful and have fun this month.

4EB7001C DFBB 48BE A720 A3673983B6FF 729A615D EA48 4906 B78D D5333736C323 A2315A26 828F 4774 83C4 64D21B80756A

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