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Hogle Zoo Art Exhibition Comes to Hanksville Elementary



Each Year Hogle Zoo sponsors an annual art exhibit called World of the Wild. The goal of the exhibit is to bring together the works of artists who are interested in displaying their view of the wild animals, plants and places we share in the world. The Utah Division of Arts and Museums sponsors the Hogle Zoo exhibit, which enables schools to have the exhibit come to their school. Art can create a powerful link to learning. Jacques Barzun once said that, “it is clear that if art has importance, it is because it can shape the minds and emotions of men. It can enlarge or trivialize the imagination. If it can do so much, it affects the social fabric as well as individual lives for good and evil.” The Hanksville PTA generously sponsored the exhibit so that their students could enjoy the art and develop appreciation of the different styles of paintings. 

Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Bradbury from Hanksville Elementary take the opportunity with their students to enjoy that Worlds of the Wild art exhibit and they use it as an extension if their classroom. One of the activities is for the students to "look at the art” and answer questions such as:

  • What emotions do you see in the picture?
  • How does piece make you feel?
  • Why do you think it makes you feel that way?

Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Bradbury also ask the students to look for elements of art, such as line, color, texture, etc. and to discuss the pieces with the class or a friend.  After students have had opportunities to look at and discuss some of the pieces, the teachers ask them to choose a favorite or two and sketch it.  This gives the students the opportunity to look for and draw the lines, shapes and textures they see in the art.  Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Bradbury also ask the students to create their own "wild art" as they learn to draw and paint animal in the wild.

Thank You Hanksville Elementary for doing so much for our kids!! 

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